Come be initiated into a world where pleasure + pain intertwine.

 Where we indulge in the whispers of our innermost desires + erotic fascinations.

Letting raw emotion transform into sounds of ecstatic rapture

 As we surrender to our body’s deepest yearnings, captured…

Allow me to invite you into the realm of


A four-week course guided by the renowned expert Dr Cat Meyer, a leading voice in the field of sex + psychedelics.


Blending the allure of conscious kink with the sacred practice of neo-tantra, we will entertain the full spectrum of our erotic expressions.


 Dancing between the darkness + the light.


Immersing ourselves into the world of your wildest fantasies where adventure + sacredness engage.

Explore your sacred darkness...

  • Embracing what lies in the shadows,
  • Transmitting what we reject within, releasing constraints + letting pleasure grow.
  • In playful acts of kink + conscious BDSM, we harness the power of eros.
Impact scenes can be powerful, playful, + pleasurable when we learn the techniques to care for the body, the spirit + the psyche. You’ll be introduced to the variations of impact play, safety considerations for the body, stylistic techniques, + spiritual rituals to transform these experiences into ones that are both erotic, orgasmic, + healing.  
We will also explore the sacred art of bondage + power play. Leading you through practices to master the mechanics, as well as introduce you to variations of binding your partner. 
Understand the concept of power and your relationship to it--whether that’s the feeling of having it, taking it, or “relinquishing” it to life or to another. You’ll learn the skills of polarity, both how to activate it + maintain it, so you can infuse your scenes + techniques with passion, play, + transcendent states of pleasure + consciousness. 

Explore your sacred lightness…

  • Harnessing your light means you are holding yourself + another in the reverence + adoration they deserve.
  • Making love to the divine + perfect nature that we are transforms the way we turn towards our lover in desire, as well as, allow ourselves to be ravished by theirs.
Discover through sacred sexuality practices influenced by taoist, neo-tantra, + sensuality, how to hold + honor both of truths of our erotic sovereignty equally through immanence--fully engaging our humanness--and transcendence or liberation--realizing that there’s so much more. 

Become skilled in the art of energetic love making;


Embracing the truth of your erotic sovereignty that elevates the way you make love to others.


I believe that pleasurable + satisfying sex is your birthright, and I am ecstatically thrilled to go on this journey of discovery with you. 

I’ve personally designed this course to help you access depths of pleasure, connection + potent sexual power in ways you never thought possible. 


It’s time you gave yourself permission to explore the sacred practices of the erotic arts.

And trust me, once you’ve tasted the sweet nectar of your full sexual vibrancy…you’ll never want to go back.


I believe that pleasurable + satisfying sex is your birthright, and I am ecstatically thrilled to go on this journey of discovery with you. 

I’ve personally designed this course to help you access depths of pleasure, connection + potent sexual power in ways you never thought possible. 


It’s time you gave yourself permission to explore the sacred practices of the erotic arts.

And trust me, once you’ve tasted the sweet nectar of your full sexual vibrancy…you’ll never want to go back.

Emerge from these 4 weeks together as an embodiment of erotic passion + creativity.

Here’s what awaits you:

  • 4 zoom class replays with Dr Cat, guest master teachers + fellow seekers committed to expanding their erotic horizons
  • Step into sexual sovereignty, let go of “people pleasing” tendencies around sex
  • Harness your power + dominance/leading in the bedroom + find a deep reverence for power play + polarity
  • Become a sensual sadist with loving tools of sensual teasing + denying; edging your partner's orgasms until they are BEGGING you to give it to them
  • Discover skills for bringing your lover into (sacred) submission or embodying the role of submission, yourself, for heightened orgasmic potential
  • Using BDSM + kink as an avenue for healing the shame, vulnerability, + undesired parts of self to unlock expansive vibrancy + orgasmic potential
  • Learn techniques for sensual rope bondage + deep states of trance + sub space
  • Master skills in flogging + other impact play. Move energy + arouse your primal sexual side in the comfort of your own own
  • Be an erotic creatrix with inspiration for play, scenes, + experimentation
  • Cultivate your erotic persona + dress to amplify your power + confidence
  • Access states of consciousness that you didn’t realize was possible through sex; sex IS psychedelic!
  • Mastery around activation + movement of your sexual energy
  • Neo-tantric practices for ejaculation control + full body orgasms
  • Surrender to the flow of shakti--the universal energy that can fuck us wide open + leave us BUZZING
  • Receive your own ALCHEMY digital playbook, full of playlists, practices, resources, supplemental educational material, + prompts to inspire more to your sex life
  • Access pre-recorded videos + audio  practices to support your continuing journey.
  • Learn from other top experts in the field of sexuality, embodiment + BDSM
  • Inspiration for continuing to explore + discover infinite erotic possibilities

What tools you’ll need for this course:

  • Jute or Hemp Rope - 30’ ; 15’
  • Safety shears (for rope bondage)
  • Blindfold


  • Flogger
  • Cane
  • Collar + leash
  • Leather cuffs
  • Drip candles
You’ll get a FULL guide to toys + tools to expand your sex kit. Learn how to incorporate them in your play!

***This program is trauma-informed + utilizes information from trauma psychology to help you build the foundation necessary for coming back into the body. This is not therapy nor should it replace therapy or any medical treatment currently being taken. If there is questions or concern, please reach out to Dr Cat here

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

  • Invest in your own sexual liberation. 

  • Discover the secrets to igniting passion.

  • Choose the path of extraordinary pleasure and fulfillment. 

Desiring personal accountability + a one on one experience with Dr Cat?

VIP Package Includes:

  • Two 45 minute one-on-one sessions with Dr Cat (valued at $600)

  • Email support with Dr Cat for the 4 week duration

Desiring personal accountability + a one on one experience with Dr Cat?

VIP Package Includes:

  • Two 45 minute one-on-one sessions with Dr Cat (valued at $600)

  • Email support with Dr Cat for the 4 week duration

Sex Love Psychedelics: Alchemy


One Time Payment

  • Four 2 hour sessions with Dr. Cat designed like you’re stepping into ceremony to reveal, play with, + embody your true erotic nature.

  •  Access exclusive rituals designed for sex AND psychedelic spaces

  •  Your own ALCHEMY digital playbook, full of playlists, practices, resources, supplemental educational material, + prompts to inspire more to your sex life

  • Access pre-recorded videos + audio ritual practices to support your continuing journey.




Sex Love Psychedelics: Alchemy | VIP


One Time Payment

  • Four 2 hour sessions with Dr. Cat designed like you’re stepping into ceremony to reveal, play with, + embody your true erotic nature.
  •  Access exclusive rituals designed for sex AND psychedelic spaces

  •  Your own ALCHEMY digital playbook, full of playlists, practices, resources, supplemental educational material, + prompts to inspire more to your sex life

  • Access pre-recorded videos + audio ritual practices to support your continuing journey.

  • Two 45 minute one-on-one sessions with Dr Cat (valued at $600)

  • Email support with Dr Cat for the 4 week duration


Sex Love Psychedelics: Alchemy


2 Month Payment Plan

  • Four 2 hour live sessions with Dr. Cat designed like you’re stepping into ceremony to reveal, play with, + embody your true erotic nature.

  •  Access exclusive rituals designed for sex AND psychedelic spaces

  •  Your own ALCHEMY digital playbook, full of playlists, practices, resources, supplemental educational material, + prompts to inspire more to your sex life

  • Access pre-recorded videos + audio ritual practices to support your continuing journey.





Sex Love Psychedelics: Alchemy | VIP


2 Month Payment Plan

  • Four 2 hour live sessions with Dr. Cat designed like you’re stepping into ceremony to reveal, play with, + embody your true erotic nature.

  •  Access exclusive rituals designed for sex AND psychedelic spaces

  •  Your own ALCHEMY digital playbook, full of playlists, practices, resources, supplemental educational material, + prompts to inspire more to your sex life

  • Access pre-recorded videos + audio ritual practices to support your continuing journey.

  • Two 45 minute one-on-one sessions with Dr Cat (valued at $600)

  • Email support with Dr Cat for the 4 week duration


Why work with me?

  • I have a doctorate degree in Marriage + Family Therapy, licensed as a therapist in sex, trauma, + ketamine-assisted therapy
  • Published researcher on the topic of sexual health + BDSM in marriages that have a mismatch of desire
  • In the field of sexual wellness for 13+ years helping tens of thousands of people find their sensual + sexual expression
  • Practitioner + teacher of Tantra + the erotic arts for 13 years
  • Practitioner + teacher of BDSM for 10 years
  • Author of the book sex love yoga
  • Yoga instructor for 15+ years
  • International speaker on sex + embodiment 
  • The founder of, an online platform integrating various schools of thought including science, tantra, body movement, + psychology for a holistic approach to sex
  • Host of the podcasts Sex Love Psychedelics, + Erotically Wasted
  • Co-founder of Un.done women’s sensual workshops + retreats
  • And most of all, I’m spicy, unfiltered, + so playful in my teaching delivery ;)

Grab my comprehensive guide for co-creating a sex life that you BOTH can enjoy. Access my multi-page sexual activity Yes/No/Maybe sheet. Then take it further using my prompts for establishing nuances in boundaries, needs, + fantasy roles. Practice negotiating for the perfect sex activity using my steps for embodied scene creation

“I’m not sure how I stumbled onto Dr Cat’s social media inclusive of her podcasts…I completed the 2nd Erotically Undone course. Dr Cat has honestly helped me to become comfortable with many parts of me, from the physical body to breakthroughs with disconnection with myself and relationships. I am so grateful for this opportunity and it’s never too late to discover more of who you are…I’m in my mid 50s and absolutely adore Dr Cat for making herself and her teachings available all over the world. Much love and gratitude.”
“I’m usually shy about my sexuality but I’m working on it…And tonight I had this super hot sensual moment with this person on a dance floor…and I felt like I was embodying my seductress energy and it was super….I was able to lean into the sexual energy where I would usually back out…Thank you so much for the work you do.”
“I’m impressed with how gently and skillfully [Dr Cat] you direct the conversation back to a place of compassion and understanding for all. Pure compassion and such a gentle way of introducing understanding kink, sex, pleasure…
Last night was the most embodied and present I have ever felt during love making. Cat explaining the energetic orgasm. I let go of the idea that my orgasm had to look like what i’ve seen on porn or in movies and tapped into my ability to feel the energy in my body. My partner noticed a huge shift and said it looked like you were in orgasmic bliss the whole time. I know this is just the beginning but it feels so spectacular to be present in intimacy instead of running through my to do list.”

Are you ready?

Sign up now and gain access to this trove of knowledge, captivating video lessons, immersive exercises, and exclusive bonus content. 

It's time to release the chains of mediocre sex + unlock the potential within you.


Dr Cat Meyer

Dr. Cat Meyer, PsyD, LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in sex, trauma, and ketamine-assisted therapy (KAP), author, yoga teacher, and international speaker dedicated to evolving the relationship we have surrounding sexuality and our bodies. Dr Cat is the founder of, an online platform integrating various schools of thought including science, tantra, yoga, psychedelic therapy, and psychology designed to help people create a deeply fulfilling, prosperous relational and sexual life. As an expert and published researcher on the topic of sexual health, Dr. Cat sees clients in her private practice office in Beverly Hills and leads workshops, lectures, and retreats internationally. Dr. Cat is the host of the podcasts Eat.Play.Sex and Erotically Wasted, co-founder of Un.done women’s sensual yoga experience.


Cam Fraser

Cam is a Certified Professional Sex Coach, Certified Sexologist, Registered Counselor, and Registered Tantric Yoga Teacher. His work integrates scientifically validated, medically accurate information about sexual health, with sacred sexuality teachings from the mystery traditions. As a coach, he helps men go beyond surface-level sex and into full-bodied, self-expressed, pleasure-oriented sexual experiences free of anxiety or shame.


A curious mystic at heart, Yossef is on a mission to create a permission field for all beings to feel loved and accepted in their full expression. The focus of Yossef’s work is through the complex lens of human sexuality. This starts with deconstructing the causes of sexual shame and creating space for the exploration of our truest desires while maintaining healthy boundaries.

Yossef employs a wide variety of modalities (coaching, somatics, Tantra, BDSM, consent frameworks, and sex education) and shape-shifts between Professional Coach, Bodyworker, ProDom, Spiritual Guide to create unique experiences that pierce straight to the soul.

Yossef (AKA Daddy Magick) hosts Mystery Temple - a personal development workshop disguised as Los Angeles’ fastest growing conscious sex party; facilitates sacred sexuality and consent workshops at festivals and conventions; and works with individuals and couples on healing their intimacy and relationship to their eros.

Tamina Paris + Michael Weirich

Spiral Dancers, Tamina and Michael teach how you can embody masculine & feminine principles to elevate your intimate relationships. Spiral Dance is a method of S€xual Ascension. That’s why it leads to Evolutionary Relationships. Join these two to unlock sxual energy & create deeper intimacy.